Several online gaming websites might be banned by the government next, including, MiniClip, and Zapak. Andhra Pradesh CM YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has asked Union Minister RS Prasad to block 132 websites in the state, owing to the dangers posed by online gambling. However, in the letter sent by the CM to the IT minister, which Gadgets 360 has accessed, there are several sites that have nothing to do with online gambling at all, including — one of the biggest and most well-known game developers in the world, best known for its series of sports games like FIFA and NHL, as well as mobile games like Bejeweled and SimCity. Since the first “Chinese” app ban that took place in June, the government has so far banned 224 apps on the grounds of national security. Now CM Reddy in his letter asking for the ban of 132 websites argues that online gambling should also be banned as it leads "to youth getting involved in vices like gambling and betting from the comfort of their homes, t...
Jaahid Khan
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